Who we are

The Family Mediation Council (FMC) is a Company limited by guarantee. The Company registration number is 9560220 and the registered office address is International Dispute Resolution Centre, 70 Fleet Street, EC4Y 1EU.


The company has five members:

The Board of Directors

Each member organisation can appoint a director to the FMC Board of Directors. There is provision within the Articles of Association  the to co-opt up to three other directors. The board meets approximately every two months to consider matters of common concern.

The Chair of the Family Mediation Council is John Taylor.


Currently the Directors are:

Alison Bull, appointed by Resolution

Allan Blake (co-opted)

Beverley Sayers, appointed by FMA

Caroline Bowden, appointed by The Law Society

Jan Coulton, appointed by College of Mediators

John Taylor (co-opted)

Sarah Hawkins, appointed by NFM

Attending board meetings, as observers, are:

Chair of the Family Mediation Standards Board

A representative of the Family Justice Council




The Family Mediation Standards Board (FMSB) has delegated authority to advise upon and oversee the implementation of, and adherence to, the FMC’s professional standards.

This includes:

  • Maintaining and publishing a register of mediators and Professional Practice Consultants
  • Ensuring standards of foundation training courses
  • Maintaining and administering a robust system for accreditation
  • Considering and making decisions on complaints and disciplinary matters that have been escalated from member organisations of the FMC.


The members of the FMSB are:

Alexis Walker (Mediator member)

Lesley Allport (Mediator member)

Lorraine Bramwell (Mediator member)

John Hobson (Non-mediator member)

Mike Mack (Non-mediator member)

Robert Creighton ((Non-mediator member, Chair)

Sarah-Jane Turnbull (Mediator member)


The FMSB & FMC share an administrative office and Executive Officer.

The FMSB can be contacted via fmsb@familymediationcouncil.org.uk or by phone on 01707 594055.


The FMC is supported in its work by an Executive Officer and other consultants.