People working in a range of family justice roles will be able to learn how family mediation can support them in their work, by attending a range of free one-hour webinars during Family Mediation Week 2025.
From Monday 27 to Friday 31 January, lawyers, Cafcass officers, teachers, social workers, local authority officers and others working with families can watch and take part in the free webinars. Meanwhile mediators themselves will find a number of events geared to support them further in their daily work.
Among the key themes the webinars will address are:
- Child-inclusive mediation
- How mediation can be undertaken in cases where there has been domestic abuse
- Mediation research findings
The full programme of events for the week is available on the website of the Family Mediation Council, which is organising this year’s events.
Other topics featuring in the week-long programme include:
- Hybrid mediation
- The benefits of MIAMs
- Kinship care and mediation
- Digital solutions to improve experiences of separation
- Narcissism and mediation
- Mediation in to arbitration
- Early intervention
Family Mediation Week is an opportunity to raise awareness of family mediation and of the benefits it can bring to separating families.