Over the last year, an FMC working group led by Adrienne Cox, a mediator member of the FMSB, has drafted a Code of Practice for PPCs and accompanying guidance. The working group was made up of a total of 10 experienced PPCs each nominated by the FMC, the FMSB and the member organisations of the FMC.
Keeping in mind the desire to keep the desire for a short code, but conscious of the wide array of questions that people ask about the relationship between PPCs and their consultees, the working group has developed a PPC Code, which sets out the roles a PPC ‘must do’ and guidance, which sets out the roles a PPC ‘should do’ and looks to share good practice.
The reason for introducing the Code is to put in place a structure for the consultee/PPC relationship, and the guidance is written to support that relationship.
While drafting the documents, the working group explored many different options and tried to keep in mind that there are many models of good practice and are therefore written to try to allow for diverse approaches. It was also conscious only to introduce requirements it felt necessary so as not to overburden PPCs with regulatory requirements.
The working group discussed a wide range of issues in depth including but not limited to:
– whether a PPC should be obliged to take on mediators working towards accreditation,
– the maximum and minimum number of consultees that PPCs should have and the number of hours PPC work they should carry out;
– the amount of mediation work vs consultant work that a PPC should carry out;
– how to ensure that PPCs and consultees have a close enough relationship for the necessary support to be given but to avoid a conflict of interest, and, related to this, the benefits and disadvantages of an in-house PPC;
– the use of secondary and subsequent PPCs, when this could be appropriate and/or beneficial, and whether to regulate this relationship;
– the CPD to be undertaken by PPCs;
– the purpose and requirements for one to one and group supervision;
– whistleblowing
The FMSB is very grateful to the members of the working group for all their efforts in drafting the Code and Guidance, and is now keen to get the perspective of both PPC’s and mediators who are not PPCs on the documents.
We would therefore ask you to address whether:
- the PPC Code and Guidance broadly strikes the right balance between needing to be clear and certain on the most important points of practice and allowing flexibility where this would not have a negative impact;
- there are any major omissions from the Code or Guidance;
- there is anything in the Code or Guidance which you think is fundamentally wrong.
The consultation document can be downloaded here.
All views should be sent to Helen Anthony at executive@familymediationcouncil.org.uk by 14th September 2018.