Complaints Processes and Learnings

Complaints Processes

Part 5 of the FMC Standards Framework sets out the complaints and disciplinary processes followed by the FMSB and the minimum requirements for mediators’ own complaint processes.

The FMSB considered complaints about FMC Registered Mediators from clients, former clients, FMC Registered Mediators or qualifying third parties, where the alleges breach of the FMC professional standards (e.g. Code of Practice, PPC Code of Practice, FMC Standards Framework), and the mediator’s own complaints process has been exhausted within the last three months or the mediator is otherwise not engaging with the complaint.

The FMSB’s complaints process is set out here. There is no fee for making a complaint.

If a complaint is upheld by the FMSB’s Complaints Panels, it may decide to take disciplinary measures regarding the mediator concerned. This may include a requirement for further training, attachment of conditions to the terms under which the mediator can practise whilst on the FMC Register, suspension or removal of Family Mediation Council Accreditation, and/or suspension or removal from the FMC Register. Complaints Panels have regard to indicative outcomes when considering consequences of breaches of the Code of Practice or Standards Framework.

The Complaints Panel may also make recommendations for the mediator whether or not a complaint is upheld.

The process includes the potential for an appeal to be made against the FMSB’s decision.


Annual Complaints Reports 

The FMSB publishes an annual complaints report which details the number of complaints considered, and includes learnings for the FMSB and for mediators.

FMSB Annual Complaints Report 1.3.23 – 29.2.24

FMSB Annual Complaints Report 1.3.22 – 28.2.23