How family mediation can work when dealing with high conflict personalities

Family Mediation Week 2024 Webinar for the general public

Watch the recording.


Your speakers
Bill Eddy, LCSW, Esq. is the co-founder and Chief Innovation Officer of the High Conflict Institute in San Diego, California. He pioneered the High Conflict Personality Theory HCP and has become an expert on managing disputes involving people with high conflict personalities. He was the Senior Family
Mediator at the National Conflict Resolution Center for 15 years, a Certified Family Law Specialist lawyer representing clients in family court for 15 years, and a licensed clinical social worker therapist with over 12 years of experience.Bill serves on the faculty of the Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution at the Pepperdine University School of Law in California and is a Conjoint Associate Professor with the University of Newcastle Law School in Australia. He has been a speaker and trainer in over 35 U.S. states and 13 countries.He is the author or co-author of over 20 books, manuals, and workbooks. He is co-host of the podcast It’s All Your Fault that he co-hosts with Megan Hunter, MBA, and has a popular blog on the Psychology Today website with over 6 million views.
Elaine has worked as a family solicitor for over twenty-five years.  She is a collaborative practitioner and an accredited child inclusive mediator, listed in Chambers.  Elaine joined Resolution in 1997 and she has chaired two local branches.  Elaine has influenced national family law policy since 2013 as a member of the Law Society Family Law Committee and she is now vice chair of Resolution’s national Dispute Resolution committee.

Elaine won the John Cornwell Award in 2019, which reflects her commitment to promoting a constructive approach to family issues by supporting the needs of the whole family, particularly children.

Elaine trains on Domestic Abuse, Safeguarding and High Conflict Personalities and she supervises other mediators and family lawyers.

James Evans is the Head of UK Professional Education at OurFamilyWizard. Having previously worked as a teacher, James joined the Family Law community over 5 years ago to introduce Family Law Practitioners around the country to OurFamilyWizard. James works with Courts, Chambers, Firms, CAFCASS, Mediators, Organisations and Charities to help parents with their communication. James is a member of the APPG on Family Separation, the East Sussex Resolution committee, the Family Dispute Solutions Group, the Family Law Language Project, The Parents Promise Alliance, The Family Mediation Week committee and is the chair of Support Through Court’s Family Ambassadors Board. James has been shortlisted for over 10 awards for his contribution to Innovation and Championing of supporting separated families, and recently won the Working in Collaboration Award at Resolutions 2023 Family Law Awards and the Innovation of the Year Award at the LexisNexis Family Law Awards.