MIAM Standards

New standards governing mediators’ conduct of Mediation Information and Assessment Meetings (MIAMs) come into force on 1.10.22. They have been developed on behalf of the mediation profession by the FMSB through its MIAMs Working Group. The process of drafting and refinement has been led by family mediators and included an extensive consultation with the family mediation community.

The documents codify core principles and best practice that are generally agreed throughout the profession into a rigorous and consistent format that is a model for the FMSB’s continuing development of professional standards.

The documents can be found here:

MIAM Standards

MIAM Guidance

Assurance Processes

The MIAM Standards will be incorporated in to the FMC’s Standards Framework in autumn 2022.

The FMSB held a series of seminars in September 2022 about the new MIAM standards. The seminar can be watched here, and the slides can be accessed here. An document drawing together the questions asked during the seminars and answers to these will be added here shortly. Please make sure that you read the MIAM Standards and Guidance before watching the seminar.