Robin ap Cyan – a tribute
Following the sudden death of leading Welsh family mediator, lawyer and long-service Law Society council member Robin ap Cyan on 9 October 2015, Hugh England, Chair of the Family Mediation Council, writes:
“I was very sad to learn of the recent death of Robin ap Cyan, the Family Mediation Council member appointed by the Law Society. Robin was one of the founder members of the Council and a constant contributor to its development. His commitment was indefatigable, his humour and passion sustaining, his energy seemingly inexhaustible. And he brought a colour and style to events which was always special. His wide involvement in so many of mediation’s organisations, and his deep commitment as a practitioner, mean that he will be widely missed across the whole of family mediation – as well as in the work of the Law Society, in which he had for so long played an important role. It is particularly sad that Robin’s death should have occurred at the very time when so much of his prolonged work on the development of a common standards framework for family mediators was coming to fruition.