Portfolio Fees

Current fees (From February 2025)

£420.00 – First time submission or resubmission more than a year after original (or last, if previously submitted) assessment

£237.00 – For resubmission within a year of the original (or last, if previously submitted) assessment

£42.00 – Missing document fee. The document must be submitted within 14 days of request.

£42.00 – Where a portfolio is returned by the FMC office to the mediator for issues of anonymisation to be address, or because it is incomplete.


Fees will be increased annually. 


Portfolio fees

The FMC endeavours to keep portfolio fees as low as possible, whilst ensuring the payments it makes to assessors are sufficient to ensure assessors feel valued for the important work they carry out – at a substantial discount.

Portfolio fees are set to cover the costs of the assessment of the portfolio, and the administration of this. It can take up to a day for an FMC assessor to assess a portfolio and assessors are not paid at commercial rates.

The fee structure distinguishes between resubmissions which are received promptly and those that are received more than a year after a provisional award for FMCA is made, as there is a significant difference in the amount of work that needs to be carried out to assess these submissions. Additional fees are also charged where the amount of administration involved increases, for example where a portfolio needs to be returned to the mediator to be properly anonymised before submission to assessors.

Fees are increased annually, to keep pace with increases in costs.