
1              DEFINITIONS

1.1          This Code of Practice applies to all family mediation conducted or offered by mediators who are members of the Member Organisations of the Family Mediation Council.

1.2          Family mediation is a process in which those involved in family breakdown, whether or not they are a couple or other family members, appoint an impartial third person to assist them to communicate better with one another and reach their own agreed and informed decisions concerning some, or all, of the issues relating to separation, divorce, children, finance or property by negotiation.

1.3          This Code applies whether or not there are or have been legal proceedings between the participants and whether or not any, or all of them, are legally represented.

1.4          In this Code, “mediation” means the family mediation to which this Code applies.  “Mediator” means any person offering such mediation.  “Participant” means any family member taking part in mediation.

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