The scope of mediation

4              SCOPE OF MEDIATION

4.1          Mediation may cover any or all of the following matters:

  • options for maintaining or ending the marital or other relationship between the adult participants and the consequences of doing so;
  • arrangements for dependant children :– with whom they are to live; what contact they are to have with each parent and other family members; any other aspect of parental responsibility such as, but not exhaustively, schooling, holidays, religious education;
  • the future of the family home and any other property or assets, including pensions, belonging to the adult participants; issues of child maintenance and spousal maintenance; issues relating to debts;
  • how adjustments to these arrangements are to be decided upon in the future;

4.2          Participants and mediators may agree that mediation will cover any other matters which it would be helpful to resolve in connection with relationship breakdown between the participants and which the mediators consider suitable for mediation.

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